राहु गोचर 2023 (Rahu Gochar 2023)

Rahu will transit into Pisces on October 30, 2023, and remain there for 18 months, until May 2025. This is a significant transit, as Rahu is a powerful planet that can bring about major changes in a person's life.

The Rahu transit in 2023 is a powerful time for personal growth and transformation. By being mindful of the effects of this transit and taking steps to prepare for the changes that it may bring, you can make the most of this opportunity to evolve and become a better version of yourself..

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Rahu Transit For Aries / मेष राशि

You will experience a heightened urge to explore foreign lands and engage in extended journeys. Rahu's presence can amplify the desire for new experiences, leading to potential travels that involve crossing boundaries and engaging with diverse cultures. However, it's crucial to exercise caution in terms of financial matters. Rahu's influence can lead to unexpected expenses. Rahu's influence will also intensify your longing for higher knowledge and self-awareness Rahu will be transiting 12th house for Aries Lagna or moon sign. Finally, Rahu has left the lagna which makes the Aries ascendant free from confusion and worries. A good time to relocate to foreign country. There can be huge expenditures and financial planning regarding investments too. In case you are working for foreign MNC, then you might get some increment in job.To Read the effects In Detail, Click Here:

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Rahu Transit For Taurus / वृषभ राशि

Rahu’s influence creates a strong potential for a financial windfall through unexpected gains and unconventional income sources. It could be through lucrative investments or gains through speculative ventures. Business ventures will likely flourish as Rahu brings innovation and a drive for expansion. For those pursuing a job, Rahu's presence can catalyse job promotions and recognition. Seizing opportunities can result in unexpected career advancements. Rahu will be transiting the 11th house for Taurus ascendant this transit is going to be favorable for financial gains. You will get a lot of opportunities to kick start new startups or any business. Moving to any foreign country due to a job in MNC is also possible. Your desires and aspirations will also boom resulting in dissatisfaction too.To Read the effects In Detail, Click Here:

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Rahu Transit For Gemini / मिथुन राशि

This is a time of dynamic shifts in the professional sphere. Job growth becomes a prominent theme, with opportunities for advancement and elevation in one's role. The influence of Rahu can instigate sudden changes or unconventional career paths, leading to unexpected progress. There will be an increased appetite for recognition. Individuals may find themselves taking on more responsibilities to prove their capabilities. Your status will enhance your social circle. Rahu is transiting the 10th house from your ascendant. It is good yoga for achieving new heights in business. But u will become a workaholic due to which health will suffer. Also you need to be quite alert in order to safeguard your profession from any cheater , any online scam etc. Keep an eye on your karma as Rahu creates illusion and u might take wrong decisions and directions during this time!To Read the effects In Detail, Click Here:

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Rahu Transit For Cancer / कर्क राशि

You will experience a strong urge for exploration and may delve into practices that challenge your conventional beliefs. Long-distance travel could feature prominently, potentially leading to transformative experiences that expand your worldview. This period will prompt a desire to seek higher education or engage in new subjects. Professionally, the presence of Rahu could spark changes in job or career path. You might be drawn to unconventional fields involving international connections. Rahu is transiting the 9th house of your chart. This is a favorable placement for visiting foreign lands but Rahu is in Marana Karaka Sthana too. Jupiter being in the 10th house can give opportunities in career. Also a good yoga for overall growth and name & fame.To Read the effects In Detail, Click Here:

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Rahu Transit For Leo / सिंह राशि

Sudden changes are foreseen concerning joint finances, inheritance, or even deep psychological matters. However, the transition might be challenging, as family problems may arise due to the unsettling nature of Rahu's energy. Misunderstandings, conflicts, and disruptions within the family dynamic might challenge stability. There might be a tendency to overspend, invest unwisely, or engage in speculative ventures, potentially causing monetary stress. Rahu is transiting the 8th house of your chart. Rahu in 8th causes unwanted fears and agonies. You might be interested in occult and astrology. There can be certain health issues which are constantly impacting your mental health too. Some undetected disease might come to light. Your relation with in-laws can take a drastic turn. In all , you need to take caution and don’t get manipulated due to illusions of Rahu.To Read the effects In Detail, Click Here:

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Rahu Transit For Virgo / कन्या राशि

This transit will signify a period of transformation in relationships. Marriage prospects could be influenced, possibly leading to unexpected developments. New business partnerships might emerge, offering both opportunities and complexities. It's crucial to exercise caution and thoroughly evaluate potential partners to avoid unforeseen complications. On the career front, the transit of Rahu will stimulate a desire for change. New job opportunities could arise. Rahu is transiting the 7th house for you. The transit of Rahu over the 7th house is not bad as it is often told. It can be highly rewarding based upon depositor. As Jupiter will transit to Taurus i.e. 9th house in 2024 , therefore this Rahu will start giving good results. However , you should always make informed decisions in case you are in a partnership business!To Read the effects In Detail, Click Here:

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Rahu Transit For Libra / तुला राशि

During this transit, some of you may face health concerns that stem from unknown sources. You should be cautious and focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and seeking timely medical advice. In terms of career, you need to work harder and smarter to achieve your goals. Maintain ethical practices and avoid unnecessary conflicts. Marital problems might arise due to misunderstandings. Clear communication and transparency are crucial to ensure that relationships remain stable. Rahu is transiting the 6th house for Libra natives. This will be a favorable transit as Rahu will help you to fight off the enemies and diseases also. In 7th house, it was adversely impacting your mind and business relations. You were always in a dilemma but as Rahu will transit Pisces , it will be a major relief.To Read the effects In Detail, Click Here:

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Rahu Transit For Scorpio / वृश्चिक राशि

The transit of Rahu will be conducive to childbirth, with some couples experiencing the joy of expanding their family. Additionally, the transit could stimulate relationships, particularly romantic ones. New romantic connections may blossom, characterised by intensity and depth. These relationships will be transformative and passionate. Creativity and innovative thinking will experience a boost. You will be drawn to problem-solving approaches that challenge the norm. Rahu is transiting the 5th house for Scorpio natives. This will be an average transit as Rahu will impact the intelligence of the person. Children need to be focused and grounded during this time otherwise Rahu will actually lead to lack of concentration!To Read the effects In Detail, Click Here:

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Rahu Transit For Sagittarius / धनु राशि

This transit can influence the well-being of your mother. It's essential to pay attention to her health during this time. Rahu's influence can create uncertainties in financial matters. While it's not necessarily the wrong time to invest in a house or vehicle, it's wise to thoroughly research and plan before making significant purchases. This will be a time for strengthening family bonds and nurturing harmonious relationships at home. Rahu is transiting the 4th house for Sagittarius ascendant. This transit can act negatively as Lagna and 4th house have the same depositors and Rahu in 4th house can create dissatisfaction. Rahu will also impact the results of Jupiter but as Rahu is leaving Jupiter, therefore clarity of thought can be seen. You might change your residence and shift to some other place. This is good news for your love life and relationship as Rahu will not be impacting it anymore. However, u need to take care of mother and motherly figures during this time! ****For personal Consultation Download jyotishgher App from Play store or visit www.jyotishgher.in *******To Read the effects In Detail, Click Here:

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Rahu Transit For Capricorn / मकर राशि

Short travels will likely become more frequent during this period, possibly driven by a newfound curiosity or a need for change. The desire to establish a business venture could intensify as Rahu's energy amplifies ambitions and entrepreneurial aspirations. This is a time to carefully assess opportunities and strategise before diving into business undertakings. Regarding relationships, the focus may shift towards improving interactions with younger siblings. ****For personal Consultation Download jyotishgher App from Play store or visit www.jyotishgher.in ******* Rahu is transiting 3rd house for Capricorn ascendant. A very good transit for new initiatives and starting something afresh. Rahu was actually haunting you for long as the home environment was not conducive. You were facing a lot of challenges but Rahu’s transit in 3rd will actually resolve these issues. Your mental health will improve and you will feel good at home environment!To Read the effects In Detail, Click Here:

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Rahu Transit For Aquarius / कुंभ राशि

New and unconventional financial avenues could open up during this time, but it's crucial to exercise caution and avoid impulsive decisions. Prudent planning and adaptability will be key to navigating this phase successfully. The transit of Rahu might bring about some changes in familial dynamics. While unexpected events could disrupt the status quo, they also present opportunities for growth and transformation within the family unit. There's a possibility of throat-related problems. Rahu is transiting 2nd house of finances and this will actually create a lot of wealth if your natal Jupiter is well placed. Rahu can make rags to riches stories here i.e. it can give a substantial amount of wealth in permanent form. However, you need to keep a tap on your desires and take family decisions fairly. ****For personal Consultation Download jyotishgher App from Play store or visit www.jyotishgher.in ******* To Read the effects In Detail, Click Here:

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Rahu Transit For Pisces / मीन राशि

You will experience intensified desires for self-improvement and a deeper understanding of your inner self. There will be a need to adopt holistic approaches and maintain a balanced lifestyle to navigate potential health challenges. You will feel a surge of determination and enthusiasm to pursue your goals. Independent ventures could take center stage during this transit. Those willing to take calculated risks might find success in innovative projects or business ventures. Rahu is transiting 1st house of Pisces ascendant. The illusions of Rahu can dissuade you from the real purpose of life and you might become selfish during this time. Also, Pisces is a watery sign and Rahu may feel lost making you confused and unable to take decisions! ****For free reply share CODE from our website or android app Then share your birth chart & one question with patience either on instagram,facebook,twitter,moj,sharechat,thread etc**** To Read the effects In Detail, Click Here:

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🍂TAGS:#rahu #ketu #rahugochar,2024 horoscope,Rahu Transit 2023,Rahu Transit 2024,Rahu Gochar Date,Effects of Rahu Transit on Pisces Ascendant.rahu transit in pisces,2024 horoscope for Aries,2024 horoscope for Taurus,2024 horoscope for Gemini,2024 horoscope for Cancer,2024 horoscope for Leo,2024 horoscope for Virgo,2024 horoscope for Libra,2024 horoscope for Scorpio,2024 horoscope for Sagittarius,2024 horoscope for Capricorn,2024 horoscope for Aquarius,2024 horoscope for Pisces,2024 love horoscope,2024 career horoscope,2024 financial horoscope,2024 health horoscope,2024 relationship horoscope,2024 lucky numbers,2024 lucky colors,2024 lucky signs,2024 zodiac predictions,2024 astrology forecast

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