Discover More In Gulika

The Significance of Gulika in Astrology and its Presence in Different Houses

Astrology, an ancient science that studies the influence of celestial bodies on human affairs, has various components that contribute to the intricate web of predictions. One such element is Gulika, a crucial factor in Vedic astrology that holds a significant place in chart analysis.Mandi or Gulika is a sensitive point in a horoscope that represents the son of Saturn, and its position can have negative effects on various aspects of a person's life.

Gulika is often referred to as 'Maandi' or 'Mandi,' and its role in astrology is quite unique. It is a shadow planet, representing a specific time in a day that is considered inauspicious. The placement of Gulika in different houses of an individual's birth chart plays a vital role in determining various aspects of their life.

Gulika, often referred to as the "point of culmination," is a significant yet enigmatic point in Vedic astrology. It's calculated based on the Moon's position and various planetary longitudes, adding a unique layer of insight to astrological interpretations. While not included in all traditional systems, Gulika's presence in different houses can shed light on specific areas of life, offering valuable guidance and understanding.Gulika is Upgrah of Saturn. It is consider Gulika is very malific in nature Just like Saturn. According to Parasara Gulika and Mandi is same. But some other says it is different. According to Phaldipika Gulika is most malific upgrah among another. Gulika may destroy significant of planet when they sit with them. When Gulika is placed with Sun it may cause harmful for father. When with Moon then cause harmful for mother and mental peace. When with Mars harmful for siblings. When with mercury harmful for relatives or maternal relatives and cause mental troubles. When with Jupiter then harmful​ for Children and native may cause wicked wisdom. When with Venus then it may makes native character less regarding sexual activities and harmful for wife. When with Saturn then cause critical disease, skin related disease and some time short life span. When with Rahu it may cause danger from poison. When with ketu may cause danger from fire related issues. When Gulika is placed in bad nakshatra or gandanta or time which is not consider a auspicious then it may cause suffering for whole life through obstacles.

**Keywords:** Gulika, Vedic astrology, Moon, planetary longitudes, point of culmination, house placement, life areas, guidance, understanding.

How Gulika or Mandi is calculated

Divide the duration of the day into 8 parts. The seven parts are ruled by the lords of the days and there is no lord of the eighth part.The part which is lorded by the Saturn is Gulika or Mandi.Suppose you want to calculate mandi on sunday. Divide the day into eight parts. The first part belongs to sun,2nd to the Moon, 3rd to the Mars,4th to the Mercury, 5th to the Jupiter,6th to the Venus and seventh to the Saturn and hence 7th is mandi.

Now if you want to calculate the Mandi on Wednesday,1st part belongs to mercury the lord of the day,2nd to Jupiter,3rd to Venus and 4th to Saturn, so on wednesday the 4th part which belongs to Saturn is Mandi.The first part always belongs to the lord of the day.The above sequence is followed when calculated during the day time.Before doing this Dinman(duration of the day) is calculated and ascertained how many ghatis is the Dinmaan.

When calculating for the night, we have to ascertain Ratrimaan first and then calculate Mandi. In ratrimaan, the 1st part of ratrimaan is calculated from 5th part..Suppose if we calculate for Sunday then divide the ratrimaan in eight parts and the Lord of the 1st part will be Jupiter,2nd Venus and 3rd saturn.Mandi will be 3rd part in this case.


These are deemed to have the eclipsing function in our puranas and referred to as ' swallowing ' the luminaries. We will just provide a little description of Mandi since it is very popular in Kerala. It is considered very important in Kundali, Prashna Kundali and selection of time muhurtha. It is also helpful in additionally judging a horoscope.


Mandi is the most evil planet among pseudo planets especially when it is associated with Saturn. The lord of the sign is occupied by Mandi which becomes malefic. Astrological works describe the effects of Mandi in each house as well as in conjunction with other planets.

Placement in Lagna

If Mandi is placed in Lagna, the native would be a thief, cruel and without humility. There may be possibilities of diseases and accidents of limbs. His eyes would be afflicted. He would not be of high intellect, would eat a lot and would never have happiness. He would be an atheist and will be attracted to the wrong type of women.

Gulika in the First House: When Gulika is positioned in the first house, it may indicate challenges in self-expression and personal identity. Individuals with this placement might need to work on building confidence and overcoming self-doubt.

Gulika in the Second House: The presence of Gulika in the second house could impact financial matters. There might be fluctuations in income or challenges related to family wealth. Caution in financial dealings is advisable for individuals with this placement.

Gulika in the Third House: In the third house, Gulika may affect communication and relationships with siblings. Individuals may need to be mindful of misunderstandings and conflicts in their interactions with close relatives.

Gulika in the Fourth House: Family life and emotional well-being may be influenced by Gulika's placement in the fourth house. There could be challenges related to home and property matters that individuals need to navigate with care.

Gulika in the Fifth House: Gulika's presence in the fifth house may impact creativity and children. Individuals may need to work harder to express their artistic side, and there could be unique challenges related to parenthood.

Gulika in the Sixth House: Health matters and conflicts may be prominent when Gulika is positioned in the sixth house. It is essential for individuals with this placement to prioritize their well-being and manage conflicts wisely.

Gulika in the Seventh House: Relationships and partnerships could be affected by Gulika in the seventh house. Individuals may face challenges in marriage or business partnerships, requiring patience and understanding.

Gulika in the Eighth House: Matters related to transformation and shared resources may be influenced by Gulika's placement in the eighth house. Individuals may need to navigate issues related to inheritance, joint finances, and deeper emotional bonds.

Gulika in the Ninth House: Travel, higher education, and spiritual pursuits may be impacted by Gulika in the ninth house. Individuals may face challenges in these areas but can overcome them with perseverance and dedication.

Gulika in the Tenth House: Career and public image may be influenced by Gulika's placement in the tenth house. Individuals may need to navigate challenges in their professional life and strive for balance between personal and public responsibilities.

Gulika in the Eleventh House: Social connections and aspirations may be affected by Gulika in the eleventh house. Individuals may encounter challenges in achieving their goals, but perseverance and networking can lead to success.

Gulika in the Twelfth House: The subconscious mind and spiritual pursuits may be influenced by Gulika in the twelfth house. Individuals may need to address hidden fears and work on spiritual growth for overall well-being.

In conclusion, understanding the significance of Gulika in astrology and its placement in different houses provides valuable insights into various aspects of an individual's life. While Gulika may indicate challenges, it also offers opportunities for personal growth and development when approached with awareness and resilience.

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