Mahapadma Kaal Sarp Dosha: Unveiling Its Impact and Remedies

Mahapadam Kaal Sarp Dosh occurs when Rahu is present in the sixth house which is the house of debt, health and enemy. And ketu is placed in the twelfth house which is the house of spirituality, expenses and overseas travels. The other seven planets encircle in between the sixth and twelfth house only. Madapadam is one of the many snake sons of Rishi Kashyap and their wife Kadru and then this yoga name is after him only. Find mahapadma kaal sarp dosh in hindi and get everything regarding it on the internet easily. After all this then you will find the remedies regarding it easily and then implement them in life. The remedies shared by pandit ji will help to have a great life afterwards.

What is Mahapadma Kaal Sarp Dosha?

The Mahapadma Kaalsarp dosh is formed when the planet Rahu is placed in the 6th house of the Kundli and Ketu is placed in the 12th house. and the other Seven Planets (Sun, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, and Moon)encircle between the Sixth and the Twelfth House.According to Mythology, Mahapadam of one of the many snake sons of the Great Rishi Kashyap and his wife Kadru and hence this Yoga gets named after him.Book Your Consultation Now.

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Mahapadma kaal sarp yog positive effects?

The enemy won’t stand against natives in this dosh,Native will rise success in life and have a great future,Good for settlement in a foreign land and getting money,Major financial gains and business from the outside country land ,High level of enjoyment in life as well,Increase in spiritual belief by the person,Expenses towards the good deed that will rise,Interest in social work and welfare will increase,The sudden gain in lifeBook Your Consultation Now.

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Potential Effects of Mahapadma Kaal Sarp Dosha

  • Obstacles in personal and professional life
  • Strained relationships
  • Health issues
  • Financial instability
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Effects of Mahapadma Kalsarpa Yoga on the Marital Life of the Native

In many cases, the strong mahapadam kaal sarp yog is capable of breaking one or two marriages of a native of its own. If it receives that support from malefic planets; it will break two, three or many more marriages of natives. Mahapadam kaal sarp yog will create misunderstandings between the native and his partner as well. People can have misunderstandings that will turn into disagreements and disputes that will let to break the marriage as well. The question for how many types of kaal sarp dosh is present that will be going to help you a lot.Book Your Consultation Now

Therefore in order to keep oneself safe from the negative effects of this Kalsarpa Yoga, there are few precautions and preventions that the native needs to follow.

  • Relationship Challenges: Difficulties in forming stable relationships, delays in marriage, or issues with trust and commitment.
  • Career Obstacles: Obstacles in achieving career goals, facing setbacks or delays in professional growth, and struggles with authority figures.
  • Health Concerns: A predisposition to health problems, requiring extra care and attention to well-being.
  • Financial Strain: Financial instability, unexpected expenses, or difficulty managing finances effectively.
  • Overall Well-Being: A general feeling of unease, lack of motivation, or a sense of being stuck in life.
  • Mental Stress,The person can face gentle to major problems in his married life. It rely upon the power of the dosh and comprehensive tone of the kundali.
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  • Personality Disorder,Maha padma kaal sarp dosh can get the native into many kind of disruption. It has problems in married life, go to hospital, legal cases and actions, confinement and financial debts.
  • Aggressive Nature or Behavior
  • The tendency to Get Involved in Fight or unwanted, unnecessary, and avoidable situations.
  • Delay in Marriage
  • Dispute in Marriage,The person may also face troubles like facing complications, enhancing the number of rivals and sleeping disorders.
  • Dispute with Business Partner,The individual might have to expend copious part of their lives in foreign land staying away from their spouse and family because of person results of the dosh.
  • Slow Success Rate in Business Venture

Effects on Marriage

Mahapadma Kaalsarp Dosha can lead to significant challenges in marriage. It may cause delays in finding a suitable partner or create discord within the marital relationship. Couples affected by this dosha may experience misunderstandings and conflicts more frequently.

Effects on Career

Career-wise, individuals with Mahapadma Kaalsarp Dosha may encounter obstacles and setbacks in their professional endeavors. Despite their hard work and skills, they may face difficulties in achieving success and recognition in their careers.

Effects on Health

Health issues are also commonly associated with Mahapadma Kaalsarp Dosha. Individuals may suffer from mental stress, anxiety, and depression due to the challenges they face in various aspects of life. It's important for them to focus on maintaining mental and physical well-being through proper self-care and relaxation techniques.

Mahapadma Kaal Sarp Yog Remedies & Upay

People should do the regular mahamritunjaya mantra jaap for almost one lakh twenty-five thousand times. They should praise lord shiva with milk and water for almost 30 days during the time of Shravan month. It will help to reduce the consequences. On that particular day of Naag panchami or Shiv ratri, you can donate 14 pairs of silver naag nagin, milk, curd, rice, sugar, ghee, white chandan, flowers of akora, flowers of lotus to lord Shiva as well.

Padma Kaal Sarp Dosh Remedies:

  • On any Saturday, take 100 grams of cedar, 100 grams of black mustard and 100 grams of benzyl can be boiled in 3 litres of water. By filtering that water with a cloth and bathing with one cup of water and bathing it for 27 days.
  • Students should chant the ‘Saraswati Mantra‘ and ‘Saraswatye Namah‘ for 10-15 minutes daily.
  • On Saturday, hoist the raw coal upside down 8 times, flush the coal into running water.
  • Read once Hanuman Chalisa and text of Bajrang five times for 40 days.
  • By mixing one teaspoon black sesame anti clock wise on your own, mixing raw milk and giving milk to Shivling for 27 days.
  • In the month of Shravan, chanting of RudraBhishek and Mahamrutunjaya Mantra make calming the Kaalsarp defect in eternal times.
  • The Maha Mrutyunjay Mantra is chant 11 times, twice per day.
  • Chanting ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ 108 times every day.
  • Start chanting ‘Om Naagkulaya Vidmahe Vishadantaya Dheemahi Tanno Sarpa Prachodayat’.
  • Chanting Vishnu Sahasranama.
  • Having a fast every Monday for the next 11 weeks.
  • Avoiding hurting Snakes.
  • Float 11 coconuts in moving water or a river on Panchami Saturday, which is also known as Panchami Tithi.
  • Observing the sacred ritual of Shanti Puja on the day of Shashti (the 6th day of the lunar month).
  • Every Monday is dedicating to the worship of Natraj or Lord Shiva.
  • The fast associate with Nag Panchami should be observe by the individual in order to protect themselves from the adverse effects of Kaal Sarp Dosh.

Mahapadma Kaal Sarp Dosh Precautions:

  • Maintain Safe Distance from Litigation Charges: There are chances of getting into a bad legal situation and into a fixed situation from which it will be hard to get out. Therefore, it is imperative that the native avoids getting into any kind of legal troubles completely.
  • Avoid Borrowing Money and Loans: once a person borrows money, one also needs to keep in mind that it needs to be returned. And if one delays the payment of borrowed money, the interest on the money keeps increasing for the money as long as he or she doesn’t start paying it. Since Sixth House stands for debt and Twelfth for expenses, it is highly advised for the native to avoid taking any kind of financial loan or borrowing money from anyone as the expenses will always remain high making it difficult to return the borrowed or loaned money and will face severe problems in returning the same.
  • Exercise Regularly or Stay Active: People born under the Mahapadam Kalsarpa Yoga are prone to have severe joint pains and other joint related issues at any point in time. Therefore, it will be a good idea to get into a habit of exercising regularly or following a fitness regime in order to keep bones healthy. Along with regular exercise, leading a healthy lifestyle is also a bonus for native with this Yoga in their charts. Eating healthy and refraining in getting into bad habits of drinking and smoking will also reduce the chances of having bad joint pains.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Mahapadma Kaal Sarp Dosha

Here are some commonly asked questions regarding Mahapadma Kaal Sarp Dosha:

Q: Does having Mahapadma Kaal Sarp Dosha guarantee a bad life?

A: No, Mahapadma Kaal Sarp Dosha indicates potential challenges, but it doesn't guarantee a bad life. Through self-awareness, positive actions, and appropriate astrological remedies, you can overcome obstacles and achieve success.

Q: How can I find out if I have Mahapadma Kaal Sarp Dosha?

A: A qualified Vedic astrologer can analyze your birth chart and determine the presence of Anant Kaal Sarp Dosha, or any other Kaal Sarp Dosha, based on the planetary placements.

Q: Are there any specific gemstones recommended for Mahapadma Kaal Sarp Dosha?

A: Consulting a Vedic astrologer is important for personalized recommendations. However, gemstones like amethyst or opal are sometimes mentioned for their calming and transformative properties that might be helpful with Mahapadma Kaal Sarp Dosha. Remember, gemstones are a supportive measure, not a sole solution.

1. What causes Mahapadma Kaalsarp dosha?

Mahapadma Kaalsarp dosha is formed when all planets are placed between Rahu and Ketu in a horoscope.

2. Can Mahapadma Kaalsarp dosha be completely removed?

While the dosha cannot be entirely removed, its negative effects can be mitigated through appropriate remedies and astrological measures.

3. How can one identify Mahapadma Kaalsarp dosha?

An experienced astrologer can analyze an individual's birth chart to identify the presence of Mahapadma Kaalsarp dosha.

Q: What if I don't believe in astrology?

A: Vedic Astrology is a complex system of belief. Regardless of your personal beliefs, understanding the concept of Anant Kaal Sarp Dosha can make you aware of potential challenges and encourage you to adopt a more proactive approach towards different aspects of your life, such as relationships, career, and health.


Maha padma is one of the types of strong snakes like Vasuki, Takshak, Karkotak and Padma.People have many enemies in their life and they are infected from inherited diseases. However, if this yog acts charmingly, it can give them prospective and make them a political victory.The mahapadam kalsarp yoga is consider the positive side of the yoga in horoscope. Ketu is present in the twelfth house which is consider as good. It gives a spiritual bent of mind to natives while their action is steered towards enlightenment thus it will become the ultimate goal or ambition of life.Book Your Consultation Now

🍂TAGS: Anant kaalsarp dosha | Kulik kaalsarp dosha | Vasuki kaalsarp dosha | Shankhpal kaalsarp dosha | Padma kaalsarp dosha | Mahapadma kaalsarp dosha |Takshak kaalsarp dosha | Karkotak kaalsarp dosha | Shankhachur kaalsarp dosha | Ghatak kaalsarp dosha | Vishdhar kaalsarp dosha | Sheshnag kaalsarp dosha

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